A cool season, relatively easy to grow crop. The heads are used in salads, stir-fries, suerkrauts, and slaws. Cabbage are frost tolerant, can be planted in early in the spring before summer heat, or in the fall for a late crop. Plant in sun to partial shade, water eveny and consistently to produce a good healty plant. Watch for Cabbage loopers, cabbage worm, thrips, and aphids.
Fast Vantage
- Maturity 50-60 days
- Early maturing variety
- Fruits are 2-3 lbs
- Mild sweet flavor
- Excellent for slaws, cooked, or made into sauerkroaut
Primo Vantage
- Maturity 70-75 days
- Heads average 4 lbs.
- Heads are juicy, tender and sweet with a very small core
- Holds well in the garden
Ruby Perfection
- Maturity 85 days
- Heads are medium sized 3-3 1/2 lbs
- Heads are dense and hold well in the garden
- Maturity 67 days
- Early variety
- Heads are 4-6 lbs
- Excellent quality and holding ability