Also know as "Callie's", or Million Bells, are an excellent choice for hanging baskets and containers. These long season, easy to care for annuals come in a variety of colors that are sure to brighten up any landscape.
Bloomtastic Rose Quartz
Bumble Bee Orange
Cabarete Blue Sky
Cabarete Bright Red
Cabarete Deep Blue
Cabarete Deep Yellow
Cabarete Good Night Kiss
Cabarete Midnight Kiss
Cabarete Neon Rose
Cabarete White
Calitastic Bordeaux
Calitastic Cappuccino
Calitastic Raspberry
Callie mango
Cha Cha Tangerine
Conga Lavender
Conga Pink Kiss
Conga Red
Conga White
Conga Yellow
Minifamous Double Pink Tastic
Minifamous Double Pink
Minifamous Double Plumtastic
Minifamous Double Red
Minifamous Uno Dark Blue
Minifamous Uno Pink
Superbells Lemon Slice