Unlock the potential of your crops with one of our permiun fertilizers. These fertilizers have been chosen, based on the soils and the water quality in our area. These are the fertilizers that we use to grow our own crops right here at the garden center.
Jack's 20-20-20
- The industry standard for all purpose fertilizer
- Feeds both indoor and outdoor plants
- Provides fast green up and rapid leaf expansion
Jack's Blossom Boost 10-30-20
- Designed to produce more flowers and brighter colors
- Use on indoor and outdoor plants
- Unmatched quality
ClassiCote 15-8-23
- Controlled release fertilizer
- Provides nutrients over a longer period
Nature's Choice 10-4-3
- GMO free pet and child safe
- Oilseed extract, a renewable source of plant nutrition
- Easy to mix and use.
Green Maker 18-0-6
Lawn Food
- Especially formulated for alkaline soils.
- 10% sulfur helps correct excessive alkalinity
- 5% Iron make lawns green
Weed-Out 25-0-4
- Post emergent broadleaf weed control
- Contains three weed killers
- Kills over 200 broadleaf weed species.
Winterizer 10-0-14
- Fall fertilizer
- Builds winter hardiness
- Builds stem strength and diseas resistance in lawns trees and shrubs
- Higly concentrated soil conditioner
- Enhance plant nutrient uptake and stimulate soil microbial life
- Encourages root development
Bulb Tone
- #1 choice for feeding bulbs
- Produces bigger & more colorful blooms
- 100% natural
- Long-lasting slow-release
- For tulips, faffodils, crocus, hyacinths & other bulbs
- Excellent for vegetable gardens
- 100% Natural and organic
- Long lasting slow-release
- Safe for people and pets
- Specialy formulated for tomatoes.
- Contains 8% calcium to help prevent blossom end rot
- Long lasting slow-release
- Safe for people & pets
Berry Food
- 100% organic natural ingredients
- Contains sulfur to improve availability of micronutrients
- People and pet friendly
Blood Meal
- Great for heavy feeders like, corn, spinach, broccoli, and leafy greens
- 100% natural organic ingredients
- People and pet safe
Bone Meal
- Provides a sustained supply of nitrogen and phosphorus.
- Benefical for overall growth, flowering, and fruiting
- People and pet Safe
- 100% all natural ingredients
Triple Super Phosphate
- Encourages sturdy root systems
- Increases bloom production
- Strengthens fruit and bud set
Rooting Powder
- use on all plants
- Speeds root development
- Ideal for transplants