Ornamental & Shade Trees
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Ash Autumn Purple
Fraxinus americana 'Junginger'
Height: 45' Width: 30-40' Zone: 4
Dubois: N Full Sun
This seedless ash displays gorgeous deep purple or mahogany fall colors. Tolerates moist and dry conditions; excellent street and lawn trees.
Ash Mancana
Fraxinus mandshurica 'Mancana'
Height: 40-50' Width: 20-25' Zone: 4 Dubois: N Full Sun
A Manchurian Ash that transplants easily, and is tolerant of both drought and excess moisture. A great xeriscape tree, with no serious disease problems.
Ash Patmore
Fraxinus pennyslvanica
Height: 50-60' Width: 35' Zone: 2 Dubois: Y Full Sun
One of the most durable dependable shade trees for our area. We recommend this tree for harsh sites with poor soil and water.
Aspen Quaking
Populus tremuloides
Height: 30-40' Width: 15-20' Zone: 2 Dubois: Y Full SunA fast growing native beauty. year around interest in grouping or on berms combined with spruce. Aspen are our most popular tree.
Birch Cutleaf Weeping
Betula pendula ''Dalecarlica'
Height: 30-40' Width: 20-25' Zone: 2 Full Sun Dubois: Y
A unique fast-grower with dramatic exfoliating white bark. As tree matures the branches begin to droop. Finely cut dark green foilage turns brilliant yellow in fall.
Birch Paper
Betula payrifera
Height: 50-60' Width: 25-40' Zone: Dubois: YHistorically this is the tree used to build birch-bark canoes. This multi-stem tree is fast growing, with distinctive white bark that peels. Green leaves turn bright yellow in the fall.
Cherry Canada Red
Prunus virginiana
Height: 20-25' Width: 15-20' Zone: 2 Dubois: YThis is one tough, hardy, tree. Tolerating heat, cold, wind, and poor soils. Leaves start bright green turning reddish-purple. Bees love the white flowers, and birds love the berries that follow.
Cottonwood Lanceleaf
Populus x acuminata
Height: 40-60' Width: 30-40' Zone: 2 Dubois: YA great choice for adding shade to the landscape quickly. With dense foliage and a pyramidal form as it matures. The narrow lance shaped leaves turn yellow in the autumn. Seedless and cottonless.
Cottonwood Robusta
Populus deltoides
Height: 40-60' Width: 30-40' Zone: 3
Dubois: Y
Another very vigorus tree for our area. This cotonless cotonwood has an irregulary rounded canopy with coars spreading branches.
Cottonwood Siouxland
Populus deltoides 'Siouxland'
Height: 50-60' Width: 30-40' Zone: 3 Dubois: YAnother great cottonless cotonwood tree introduced by the South Dakota State University. Cold hard, and heat tolerant. Makes a great fast growing shade tree
Crabapple Adirondak
MNalus 'Adirondack'
Height: 18' Width: 10' Zone: 4Dubois: N
A small upright grower with excellent disease resistance. The red buds open to a pure white flower in the spring. Dark green summer foilage turns a colroful orange and reddish in the fall, exposing the small persistant red fruits which persist throughout the winter.
Crabapple Brandywine
Malus 'Brandywine'
Height: 2-25' Width: 15-20' Zone: 4 Dubois: NA truly breath taking small ornamental tree with double pink, fragrant flowers in the spring, yellow fruits in the fall, and dark green foliage.
Crabapple Perfect Purple
Malus 'Perfect Purple'
Height: 20-25' Width: 15-20' Zone: 4
Dubois: N
An upright habit with purple foliage that is the background to bright pink flowers. Striking red leaves make this a standout in the fall. The fruit is persistant so there is no mess to clean up.
Crabapple Prairifire
Malus 'Prairie fire'
Height: 15-20' Width: 15-20' Zone: 4 Dubois: N
Red-maroon foliage matures to a dark green with purplish overcast, that turns red-orange in fall. A very profuse flowering crabapple with deep purple-red fruits that are persistent throughout the winter.
Crabapple Profusion
Malus 'Profusion'
Height: 15-30' Width: 20-35' Zone: 4 Dubois: N
Named for its profustion of of bright redish-pink flowers in the spring. The bronze-colored foliage fades to a bronze-green throughout the summer. Fruits are persistent and brids love them.
Crabapple Spring Snow
Malus 'Spring Snow'
Height: 25' Width: 20-25' Zone: 4 Dubois: YWhite blooms compeletly cover this tree in the spring. Pollinators swarm this tree in the spring at the nursery. This tree is sterile and does not produce any fruits. A great tree for the yard.
Crabapple Thunderchild
Malus 'Thunderchild'
Height: 18' Width: 18' Zone: 3
Dubois: Y
An upright spreading tree with dark pink flowers, red fruits, and purple foliage. This is a very hardy, disease resistant crabapple.
Elm Accolade
Height: 60-70' Width: 50-6' Zone: 4 Dubois: NAn extremely tough, fast-growing tree that has a distincly native look and feel. Makes a great shade tree thrives where other trees fail.
Celtis occidentalis
Height: 45' Width: 35' Zone: Dubois:Tolerant of harsh climatic conditions and alaline soils. It's deep-rooted roots rarely lift sidewalks, making it a great tree for lawns.
Honeylocust Imperial
Height: Width: Zone: Dubois:
Honeyloust Northern Acclaim
Height: Width: Zone:
Honeylocust Skyline
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Skycole'
Height: 50' Width: 30-35' Zone: 4 Dubois: NA broadly pyramidal shape with dark green foliage that turns golden-yellow in the fall. A stately tree, valuable for light shade. Great choice for harsh sites with poor soils and water quality.
Honeylocus Sunburst
Height: Width: Zone: Dubois:
Lilac Ivory Silk
Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk'
Height: 25' Width: 15' Zone: 3 Dubois: YCompact oval rowth habit an attractive flowering tree. Cherry-like bark, large creamy white flower clusters in early July. Performs bes in full sun
Lilac Snow Dance
Height: Width: Zone:
Linden American Sentry
Tilia americana 'American Sentry'
Height: 40-45' Width: 25-30' Zone: 3 Dubois: YThis Linden tree has uniform branching habit and an upright narrow form. Excellent tree for smaller spaces. The bark is silver-gray and very attractive.
Linden Greenspire
Tilia cordata 'Greenspire'
Height: 40-50' Width: 30-35' Zone: 4 Dubois: NThis little leaf linden makes an excellent street planting. Spicy, fragrant, pale yellow flowers in spring.
Linden Harvest Gold
Height: Width: Zone: Dubois:
Maple Fall Fiesta
Acer saccharum 'Bailsta'
Height: 50-75' Width: 40-50' Zone: 3
Dubois: N
Full symmetrical branching, with leathery, glossy, deep green leaves. A rapid grower, easy to transplant and resistant to sun scald and frost cracks. Outstanding orange and red fall colors.
Maple Hotwings Tatarian
Acer tatarcium 'GarAnn'
Height: 20-25' Width: 18-20' Zone: 3 Dubois: Y
Little yellow flowers are followed by bright red samaras, hence the name Hot Wings. Dark green foliage turns yellow to red in the fall. Tolerant of poor soils, water, and dry conditions.
Maple Ruby Slippers
Acer ginnala 'Ruby Slippers
Height: 15-20' Width: 15-20' Zone: 3 Dubois: YA rounded habit with a dense cannopy and showy red samaras. Dark gree foliage in summer turns to brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red in fall. Drought tolerant. Excellent choice for sites with poor soil and water.
Maple Semsatopm Box Elder
Acer negundo 'Sensation'
Height: 30' Width: 25' Zone: 3 Dubois: YRounde shape with nice green foliage. An improvemet over the species, with more controlled, uniform growth habit and better branch structure. Lovely bright red fall color.
Maple Silver
Acer saccharinum
Height: 60-100' Width: 40-50' Zone: 3 Dubois: Y
Fastest growing species of American Maple. This is an extremely hardy tree that combines graceful form, vigorous growth, and tolerance of extreme conditions. Foliage provides medium shade and a nice ornamental effect.
Oak Burr
Height: Width: Zone: Dubois:
Oak Northern Red
Quercus rubra
Height: 60-100' Width: 60-100' Zone: 2 Dubois: YFoliage turns brick red in fall. With age, large acorns develop in summer and the smooth bark develops fissures and darkens. Tolerates pollution and dry or accidic soils.
Oak Top Gun
Height: Width: Zone: Dubois:
Serviceberry Autumn Brilliance
Amelanchier 'Autumn Brilliance'
Height: 20-25' Width: 15' Zone: 3
Provides four seasons of interest with its showy flowers, edible fruits, fall color and bark. A great choice for smaller spaces.
Willow Golden
Salix 'Golden'
Height: 40' Width: 40' Zone: 2 Dubois: YFast growing willow with a broad vase shape. Outstanding golden winter branch color.
Height: Width: Zone: Dubois:
Height: Width: Zone: Dubois: