Honey Locust
Gleditsia traicanthos 'Impcole'
Height: 30-35'
Width: 30-35'
Zone 4
Dubois: N
The most compact form of thornless Honeylocust. A seedless variety with wide branch angles that are resistant to storm damage. The fern-like leaves cast dappled shade. Tolerant of drought, and poor soils.
Northern Acclaim
Height: 35-35'
Width: 30-35'
Zone: 3
Dubois: N
Excellent winter hardiness. Upright form similar to skyline, widens with age. Drought resistent. Recommended for harsh sites with poor soils or water quality
Gleditsia triacanthos 'Skycole'
Height: 50'
Width: 30-35'
Zone: 4 Dubois: NA broadly pyramidal shape with dark green foliage that turns golden-yellow in the fall. A stately tree, valuable for light shade. Great choice for harsh sites with poor soils and water quality.
Gleditsia tracanthos var. inermis 'Suncole'
Height: 35'
Width: 30-35'
Zone: 4
Dubois: N
Foliage emerges a bright golden-bronze and fades to green as it matures. Golden-yellow fall color. Thornless and seedless.