Artichoke Green Globe
Edible deep green buds that have a purple tinge. Produces a good harvest of 3-4 heads througout the summer.
Maturity: 120 days.
Broccoli Destiny
A compact, heat- tolerant broccoli. Medium-small green beads, a smooth dome and round shape.
Maturity: 70-75 days
Brussel Sprout Franklin
Earliest ripening variety. Plants are tall and less woody, whole stem harvests are possible. Fruits are firm and uniform.
Maturity: 125 days
Cabbage Fast Vantage
Produces uniform 2-3 lb. heads. Fruit has a mild, sweet flavor that is good for eating fresh, slaws, or cooked.
Maturity: 59 days
Cabbage Primo Vantage
Mid-early variety producing 4 - 4 1/2 lb fruits with a very short core. Fruits are juicy, tender, and sweet. Holds well in the garden.
Maturity: 73 days.
Cabbage Ruby Perfection
The #1 mid-late red cabbage. Heads are medium-sized and dense. Good garden holding ability.
Maturity: 85 days.
Cabbage Stonehead
Produces tightly packed, short cored, 4-6 lb. heads.
Maturity: 68 Days
Cauliflower DePurple
An oustanding variety that maintains its color while cooking. Heads are flavorful, with a nutty, buttery taste.
Maturity: 13 days
Cauliflower Minutemant
A great heat-tolerant cauliflower with large, dense bright white heads. Early-maturing and widely adapted with exceptional vigor.
Maturity: 65-70 days.
Cauliflower Multi-head
An unusual cauliflower which will develop 1 main curd and 2-4 side curds. A bonus from mother nature!
Matruity: 65-70 days.
Celery Tango
An early maturing, heavy-yeilding variety, with less biorous stalks. Stalks are very smooth and highy quality, tender, sweet.
Maturity: 80 days.
Cucumber Bupless Supreme
Known for strong yields, bitter-free flavor, and jumbo sized fruits. Fruits grow up to 12" long. It is heat tolerant and has good disease resistance.
Maturity: 55 days.
Cucumber Bush Pickling
A nice compact shoice for small gardens or container gardening. Matures early with 5" long fruits. Cool, mild flavor.
Maturity: 50-55 days.
Cucumber Diva
An all female variety, crisp, sweet, and ideal for slicing. Fruits are spinelss, and bright green with glossy tender skins. Great diseas resistant.
Maturity: 58 days
Cucumber Gherking
Strong vigorous vines, produce good yields of dark green fruits. Ideal containers and hanging baskets.
Maturity: 53 days.
Cucumber Lemon
A delightful round, yellow cucumber with fine, curnchy texture and non-bitter rind. Easy to grow, abundant 2-3" fruits from mid summer through fall.
Maturity: 65 Days
Cucumber Pick-a-Bushel
A sweet-tasting, light-green cucumber with a nice firm texture. Perfect for pickling when harvested early.
Maturity: 50 days
Cucumber Straight Eight
A great slicer, these perfectly straight cucumbers have a sweet, mild flesh. Excellent flavor makes this cucumber a supber choice for salads or dipping.
Maturity: 52-58 days
Cucumber Summer Dance
A nice crisp, clean flavor. Very uniform fruit reaches 8-9" long, with glossy, dark green skin. Very high yeilding and heat tolerant with good disease resistance. Burpless.
Maturity: 65 days.
Eggplant Black Beauty
The classic garden standard for eggplants. Fruits are between 4-6" in diameter and are borne well off the ground on medium-sized plants.
Maturity: 80 days
Eggplant Snowy
Glossy, ivory-white fruits with firm, delicate-tasting flesh. Early to mature. Great for patio containers.
Maturity: 80 days.
Kale Lacinato
An Italian heirloom, also known as dinosaur kale. Dark, blue-green striped leaves with a scalloped margin. Rich and tender with a mild kale flavor.
Maturity: 50 days
Leek American Flag
Compact creamy white stems that thicken but do not form bulbs. Stalks ar 8-10" tall and about 1" at the base. Mild flavor, ideal for fresh eating or cooked in soups.
Maturity: 95 days.
Melon - Canteloupe Athena
Fruits are 5-6 lbs., with outstanding flavor and aroma. Firm, salmon-colored flesh, holds well after harvest
Maturity: 79 days.
Melon - Cantaloupe Ambrosia
Fruits are about 6" and average about 5 lbs. Fruits are nice and firm, with an extra-sweet taste.
Melon - Cantaloupe Sarah's Choice
Fruits are about 3 lbs., with a very smooth netted thick skin. Fruits are juicy and sweet.
Maturity: 76 days
Melon - Crenshaw Hale's Best
Fruits average 4-5 lbs. and are well netted. The flesh is salmon colored, thick and sweet.
Maturity: 75 days.
Melon - Honeydew Snow Mass
Produces a 6-8" diameter fruit, with wa cream-colored very smooth rind. The flesh is light green, with a small seed cavity, and a sweet flavor.
Melon - Watermelon
Crimson Sweet
Famous for its high sugar content and great flavor. The flesh is sweet and juicy. Good disease resistance
Maturity: 85 days.
Melon - Watermelon
Sugar Baby
An icebox type of watermelon. The flesh is bright red, firm, fine-grained, and super sweet.
Maturity: 76 days.
Okra Jambalya
Plants produce heavy yields. Great for pickling, frying, and stewing. Fruits average 3-5 inches in length.
Maturity: 50 days.
Onion Candy
Extra sweet and mild. Bulbs are approximately 3-4", with tight, light yellow skin, and white flesh. A well-adapted day-neutral variety.
Maturity: 110 days.
Onion Bunching
Produces bright white shanks with no bulbing and dark green, upright foliage. Very uniform and easy to harvest.
Maturity: 65 days
Onion Ruby Red
A favortie for its curnch and versatility. The deep purple bulds are ideal for long storage up to 5 months. It is a bit spicy and savory.
Maturity: 120 days
Onion Walla Walla Sweet
A favorite since the early 1900's. Incredibly mild, sweet flesh. Big, yellow-skinned bulbs have a crunchy white flesh.
Maturity: 125 days
Onion White Sweet Spanish
Produces nice uniform bulbs. The flesh is white, and mild can be used raw or in salads. Harvest young for scallions or use full size.
Maturity: 120 days.
Onion Yellow Sweet Spanish
Bulbs are mild, with golden brown skin. the mild fruits can get as large as 1 lb. Has a good storage life.
Maturity 120 days.
Pepper Better Bell
Hybrid - Bell
A thick walled, 4 lobed pepper. Fruits are 4" tall and 5" wide. Fruits start out green and mature to red. Vigourous, high yielding diseas resistant plants.
Maturity: 65 days.
Pepper Big Bertha
Hybrid - Bell
Extra large 7" long by 3 1/2" wide fruits. One of the most popular varieties. Fruits mature from green to red, with full-season fruiting. Disease resistant.
Maturity: 72 days.
Pepper California Wonder
Heirloom - Bell
The standard ell pepper for many decades. Introduced in 1928 it is the largest open-polinated heirloom blee pepper you can grow. A perfect stuffing pepper!
Maturity: 75 days.
Pepper Cherry Pick
Hybrid - Sweet Pepper
Fruits are uniform in size and about 1 1/4" in diameter. Vigorous plants produce excellent yileds. Dark green fruits mature to red. Normally harvested in the green stage, let mature to red for pickled peppers.
Maturity: 68 days
Pepper Dragon Fly
Hybrid - Bell
The 3" fruits are tick walled, sweet and flavorfull with green internal color. Fruits mature from green to purple to red.
Maturity: 75 days.
Pepper Golden California Wonder
Heirloom - Bell
Very similar to California wonder except its smooth, glossy fruits ripen to a golden-yelow.
Maturity: 68-70 days.
Pepper Purple Beauty
Heirloom - Bell
Fruits are blocky, thick-walled, and dark purple. Compact plants set heavily, with good cover to protect fruits from sunscald.
Maturity: 70-75 days
Pepper Sweet Banana
Hybrid - Bell
Pepper Tricked You
Perfect for mild sauces, salsa and stir fires. Not hot, but still has the jalapeno flavor. Excellent producer.
Maturity: 90 days
Pepper (hot) Anahiem
Heirloom - Chili
An extra-large and mild chili pepper, perfect for roasting or frying. The classi pepper for chilies, rellenos, soups, and stes. Most widely gorwn variety of chili pepper.
Maturity: 80 days
Pepper (hot) Ancho
Dried this pepper is known as an 'Anco', it is als used green, as a 'Pablano'. Fruts are thick walled, mildly hot, with a rich mellow flavor.
Matrity 110 days.
Pepper (hot) Carolina Reaper
Hybrid - Chili
These fruits are not for whimps! The hottest chili pepper in the world packs a punch. Fruits have a fruity and sweet aroma, with an undertone of chocolate and cherry flavors.
Maturity: 110 days
Pepper (hot) Cayenne Joe's Long
Hybrid - Cayenne
Heavy yeilds of finger-width, thin-walled red peppers. Great for fresh eating or drying. Fruits mature to 12" long.
Maturity: 80 days.
Pepper (hot) Cozumel
Hybrid - Chili
An excellent chili pepper that prduces 4" long blonde fruit that matures to red. Thick walled and juicy.
Maturity: 53 days.
Pepper (hot) Ghost
Bhut Jolokia
One of the hottest peppers, 3 times hotter than a habanero pepper.
Maturity: 110 days
Pepper (hot) Hungarian Wax
Heirloom - Banana
Medium-hot pepper that provides a sweet flavor similar to a banana pepper. Excellent for pickling.
Maturity: 70 days.
Pepper (hot) Jalafuego
Hybrid - Jalapeno
A super performer, spicy, large, and highly productive. Fruits are 3-4" long, larg enough to stuff and perfect for poppers.
Maturity: 70 days
Pepper (hot) Jalapeno M
Hybrid - Jalapeno
Larger fruit with more heat than early jalapenos. the tick walled fruts average 3 1/2" long by 1 1/2" wide.Maturity: 70 days
Pepper (hot) Mucho Nacho
Hybrid - Jalapeno
A jalapeno with a big and powerful taste. Jumbo 4" fruits are thicker, heavier, and a bit hotter. Plants are vigorous and high yielding.Maturity: 75-80 days.
Pepper (hot) Red Habanero
Pepper (hot) Sahuaro
Hybrid - Chili
Large green chili pepper. Stronger diseas-resistant plants with big yields and early harvests.
Maturity: 68 days.
Pumpkin Atlantic Giant
huge pinkish orange fruits, 50-100 pounders are commonly grown. If thinned to ne fruit per vine, will commonly produce 200-300 pound pumpkins.
Maturity: 110 days
Pumpkin Big Moose
Orange-red fruits with some lighter streaking and ligh fibbing. Fruits average 50-125 lbs
Pumpkin Hijinks
Fruits average 7-9 lbs., have a nice long dark green handle. Great variety for kids and fall decorating.
Maturity: 120 days
Pumpkin Jack Be Little
Pumpkins are just 3" across and 2" jigh. Plants produce six or seven mini pumpkins.
Maturity: 95 days.
Pumpkin Mini Harvest Blend
Pumpkins will grow roughly 4-6 oz in size. mixture ofJack be Little, Gooligan, Wee Be kittle, Ruffian and Hooligan.
Maturity 95 days.
Pumpkin Mrs Wrinkles
Deep wrinkled ribs, and burnt orange color, makes this variety unique. Fruits average 14-18 lbs.
Maturity 100 days.
Pumpkin Polar Bear
Produces white fruit typically weighing 30-65 lbs. Maintains its color after maturity.
Maturity: 100 days.
Spinach Sea Side
Squash - Buttercup
Space Station
Produces approximately 3-4 fruits per plant. Semi bush type habit makes this great for small spaces. Black skin, pale yellow, sweet frlesh.
Maturity: 90 days
Squash - Chiffon
The fine, white flesh is velvety smooth and tasty. High yields from mid-summer until frost.
Maturity: 42 days.
Squash Crook Neck
Bright yellow fruits ahve a fine, meaty texture and succulent flavor.
Maturity: 55 days
Squash Acorn Taybelle
Fruits are dark green to black, t inches long and 5 inches wide, weighing 2-3 lbs. Plants are shorter vining, good for small spaces.
Maturity: 80 days.
Squash Butternut Early
Fruits have a sweet, nutty flavor. Fruits are tan, and plants are nice and compact. Fruits store superbly.
Maturity: 85 days
Squash Winter Vegetable Spaghetti
Excellent flesh with noodle-like consistency. Bake like squash or boil and fork out the flesh. Fruits are 3-5 lbs.
Maturity: 85 days
Determinate: Bush - Varieties do not need pruning and may be grown with or without support; fruit ripens within a concentrated time period.
Indeterminate: Climbing - Varieties should be staked, trellised, or caged, and pruned for best results; fruits ripen over an extended period.
Disease resistance
V: Verticillium Wilt FFF: Fusarium, races 1, 2, and3 ST: Stemphylium (Grey Leaf Spot F: Fusarium Wilt
FF: Fusarium, Races 1 & 2 N: Nematodes TSWV: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus LB: Late Blight
A: Alternaria EB: Early Blight TMV: Tobaco Mosaic Virus For: Fusar Crown-root rot
Tomato Betterboy
Hybrid - Indeterminate
Juicy, deep red tomatoes that can weigh over 1 lb. Extremely flavorful, with juicy, firm flesh.
Maturity: 78 days.
Disease: F, N, V
Tomato BHN 1021
Hybrid - Determinate
Produces high yields of 8-16 oz fruits. An excellent slicing tomato, plants are high yeilding, up to 30 lbs. each.
Maturity: 76 days.
Disease: TMV, TSWV, V
Tomato Big Beef Plus
Hybrid - Indeterminate
One of the best beefsteak tomatoes, with improved flavor, and adaptability. Sweeter than beefsteak with better disease resistance.
Maturity: 73 days.Disease: A, FF, ST, N, TMV, V
Tomato Brandy Wine
Heirloom - Indeterminate
Produces deep red 8-12 oz. fruits with excellent flavor. Very productive plants.
Matruity: 90 days.
Tomato Burpee Big Boy
Heirloom - Indeterminate
Introduced in `949, a hallmark tomato. Large bright red, firm, meaty furits can weigh up to 1 lb. Superb flavor.
Matruity: 78 days.
Tomato Bush Champion
Hybrid - Determnate
Excellent for small sapces, plants grow 24" tall, producing 8-12 oz fruits with excellent flavor.
Maturity: 63 days.
Disease: V, FF, A, TMV
Tomato Celebrity
Hybrid - Semi Determinate
AAS Award winner! Medium sized, globe-shaped fruits. Fruits are crack-resistant and average 7 oz.
Maturity: 72 days.
Disease: V, FF, A TMV
Tomato Cherokee Purple
Heirloom - Indeterminate
An old Cherokee Indian heriloom, pre 1890 variety. Beautiful deep, dusky purple-pink color, superby sweet flavor and very large fruits.
Maturity: 80-90 days.
Tomato Dark Star
Hybrid - Inderteminate
High Yeilding plants produce 5-8 oz. fruits. Fruits are deep purple, with an out of this world sweet-sour taste.
Maturity: 70-75 days
Disease: V, LB
Tomato Early Girl
Hybrid - Indeterminate
A compact bush tomato with early yields of 6-8 oz fruits. The fruit is deep red with excellent flavor.
Maturity: 60 days.
Disease V, FF
Tomato Husky Red
Hybrid - Dwarf Indeterminate
Compact plants produce excellent fruits that weigh 5-7 oz. Ideal for small spacea nd patio planters.
Matruity: 65 days.
Disease: V, FF, A , ST
Tomato Lemon Boy
Heirloom - Indeterminate
Higly adaptable plants, yield large, deep oblate, lemon yellow fruits. Fruits average 6-7 oz.
Maturity: 70-80 days
Disease: V, F, A, ST,
Tomato Patio
Hybrid - Determinate
Perfect for containers. Extremely compact yet produces medium-sized fruits. Fruits are firm and falvorful.
Matruity: 70 days.
Disease: F, A, ST
Tomato Red Grape
Hybrid -
Tomato Roma
Hybrid - Determinate
Bright red, meaty 5-8 oz fruits. Great for canning, pastes, and sauces.
Maturity: 70-80 daysDisease: F, V
Tomato Sungold
Hybrid - Indeterminate
These tangy-sweet fruits are best eaten fresh off the vine or in salads and party trays.
Maturity: 57 days.
Disease: F, TMV
Tomato Sweet 100
Hybrid - Indeterminate
Produces long strands ow 100 or more super sweet cherry tomatoes. Fruits weigh about 1 oz each and are about 1" in diameter.
Maturity 68-70 days
Tomato Topsy Tom
Hybrid - Indeterminate
Perfect for planters, and hanging baskets. Plants are comapct, produce 1" in diamter, split resistant fruits.
Maturity: 50-55 days
Diseas: F, EB, ST
Tomatillo Grande Rio Verde
Largest tomatillo on the market.
Maturity: 70-80 days.
Fruit: 3-4 oz. Sweet/tart flavor